Anybody have any experience keeping bait frozen, or at least not turning to mush after a couple of hours? Been having great luck with sardines, but I've got to find a way to keep them usable for 6 to 8 hours.
Get a good cooler, pre chill it using frozen water bottles, fill it and use frozen 20oz Gator ad bottles on top of the bait. Put small bait quantities on the top layer to get thawed.
I use a Colman 3 day cooler and have bait stay good in the IV at 100+
Dry Ice
I use a small cooler. (
And 2 16.9 oz soda bottles filled with water and frozen. These fit perfectly in this particular cooler. I can keep up to 9-10 macs frozen this way.
A side benefit of the flat top, I can bungie a sand spike on each side of the handle for transportation. And it doubles as my cutting board.
Try some Atlas Mike's Miracle Thread, elastic bait tying thread, it'll keep them on the hook even if they have gone to mush
I take my bait out of the deep freeze 1.5hrs before I plan on leaving to go fishing. Bait has only started to thaw on the edges, but is still frozen in the center. Still able to cut the baits in half, but some effort is needed. I find my bait is still freezing cold and no where near mushy by the time I go home. I used to put enough ice into my cooler to keep my baits covered, but have found my previously mentioned works better and there's no added weight to carry.
: LONGCAST JOE September 15, 2017, 10:47:47 p
Try some Atlas Mike's Miracle Thread, elastic bait tying thread, it'll keep them on the hook even if they have gone to mush
Ooops, sorry, should have read your other post before replying to this know of this magic thread already I see
I like to get a scoop of mini macks and sardines when I can and just add ice to the saltwater in the bucket. They die and firm up really well. If you want frozen ones to stay "fresh" for chunking, let them thaw then put them in a container with enough sea water in it to just cover them and then pack frozen water bottles around the container in a cooler. Keeps sardines and herring in good condition.
: Chris December 04, 2017, 05:08:51 p
I like to get a scoop of mini macks and sardines when I can and just add ice to the saltwater in the bucket. They die and firm up really well. If you want frozen ones to stay "fresh" for chunking, let them thaw then put them in a container with enough sea water in it to just cover them and then pack frozen water bottles around the container in a cooler. Keeps sardines and herring in good condition.
Where are you getting a scoop of sardines and mini macs?
: BackBayMan December 04, 2017, 06:17:40 p
: Chris December 04, 2017, 05:08:51 p
I like to get a scoop of mini macks and sardines when I can and just add ice to the saltwater in the bucket. They die and firm up really well. If you want frozen ones to stay "fresh" for chunking, let them thaw then put them in a container with enough sea water in it to just cover them and then pack frozen water bottles around the container in a cooler. Keeps sardines and herring in good condition.
Where are you getting a scoop of sardines and mini macs?