Does anybody have an "Official" wingspan to weight chart for bat rays?
We know they grow to 60". Most of the scientific sites list max weight for females at close to 200lbs. I checked the math for this chart and it's solid, but the data came from fishing tournaments and is limited, especially at the top end of the chart. My guess is it's probably skewed a little heavy at the top end due to limited numbers of very large fish being caught. You could also argue that large prego females could be carrying another 25lbs with their pups.
Anyways, this is the best that I can find. What do you think, pretty accurate or BS?
I'll find our weight chart. For a while Steve and I were weighing them in a sling with a big 300lb scale. I want to say the weights were fairly close to tha chart, but I think I recall that chart was a little on the heavy side.
I'll find it and post it up.
Steve, I'm missing quite a few weights as I don't have Dave's 54" on here. Could you send them to me again and I will update my list?
Texted what I have.
OK, here is the up to date records after Steve sent me the rest. Maybe we could continue getting measurements to weights, although a pattern is definitely developing.
I'm going to anchor this for easy viewing.
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Here are some of our pics from the sling scale and how we weigh them. You still have to watch out for that stinger as it comes ripping through the canvas at times! Yikes!
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It was a lot of fun playing scientist. Hearing that stinger come ripping through the canvas was a little nerve wracking though.
Better than ripping through your flesh :'(.
: SevengillTheVC February 01, 2015, 10:59:01 p
Better than ripping through your flesh :'(.
Because I was bored.
Fitting Tom's data to the usual formula
(Weight = A * X ^ B). X is the length (or in this case width over the top) and A and B are constants and B is ~3.
The weight of a ray is .00053 * Measured Wingspan ^ 3.09.
So A = .00053 and B is 3.0915.
If you don't feel like raising things to the 3.09, you can use B = 3, but then A is .000638. These values tend to overestimate the weight at the higher end.
Plotted is the original data and the fitted data (Solver). Fit looks pretty good to me.
Math is beautiful. :)
Nice ...
I like
I might have to pull out the sling and scale here soon. I'd love to get as many data points as possible. I could have used it the past few weeks!
I don't know if had had time to weigh them the way you've been catching em 2 at a time:)
My pb is 57 which I did twice.
: Eric H October 18, 2019, 07:46:41 p
My pb is 57 which I did twice.
Did the bat ray mind? ;)