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Boat Fishing => Saltwater Boat Fishing Reports => : Latimeria December 30, 2024, 12:25:30 p

: Rockfish Retry (12/29)
: Latimeria December 30, 2024, 12:25:30 p
I knew it would be lumpy, but I was going to give it a shot in my boat anyway.  I didn't see anything about fog though.
It was Pea Soup all the way to the ramp.


Thankfully it cleared a little down at the bay.  As I was getting to the inlet, I saw a few breakers from jetty to jetty.  Only could get out on the northern side of the inlet and there were catamaran kayakers trying to do Hawaii 5-0 in the inlet and it was tough to get by.  The video I took, you could hear the harsh words I had to say to them as they had to take up most of the inlet side by side like they were CHIPs or something.

Anyway, I'll get that video up when I could, but after a sketchy inlet exit, it was fairly calm out there.  You couldn't miss the 6-8 foot rollers though as the boat had to climb over and down them.

I got to my old honey hole and the surge was STRONG!  I had to use a 2# weight on the electric, but nothing was biting, so went with the 16oz tuna weights I made earlier in the year on the lighter gear.


I could barely find anything to bite.  The current was lifting the jig off the bottom right away.  What I did find was on the smaller side.  I could see the fish on the finder, but they were hunkered down.


I did have a slew of dinner plate sized mola at every stop.


So many small ones.  Funny, I took pics of the small stuff, but not the medium sized models.  LOL



I moved spot to spot for the same results.  Found fish, but nothing really wanted to play.


I did get some bigger green striped.

How do these things even get those hooks into their mouths!?!?

My arm was tiring from reeling up the little rod at these depths.

Bigmouth Sole


I did catch Pacific Sand Dabs and Speckled Sand Dabs.  I think I also had a small fantail sole, but it shook off before I could get the picture.


Anyway, I only kept 5 rockfish and fed the rest of the flea cod to the birds.  I did have one REALLY Nice fish on (which I was expecting to be a lingcod) but after getting him 100' off the bottom, he shook off and I got to watch him swim back to the bottom on the fish finder.

The NW wind picked up and it was time to go!  It was an easier ride in, but the outgoing tide with the big swells made the inlet pretty sketchy.  Survived that and took the life vest off.  LOL

I do love coming back to an empty ramp!


And seeing my sled all by its lonesome.


Funny, I put this sticker on years ago and it's still there.  hahaha


Thanks for reading and a slightly disappointing end of the season.  Time for trout!
: Re: Rockfish Retry (12/29)
: jrodda December 30, 2024, 03:52:05 p
Can barely catch a legal halibut on a 2/0 hook but a 9" dab will find a way to engulf 6/0 trebles.

Good try though, swell has been pretty consistent lately. Really hope it brings fresh structure and schools of big horny perch.
: Re: Rockfish Retry (12/29)
: Latimeria December 30, 2024, 07:37:07 p
Going again tomorrow. Buddy got his motor running and wants to do a morning run to the nine.
: Re: Rockfish Retry (12/29)
: Tim524 December 31, 2024, 07:27:37 p
I never saw the sticker before, I always use the other dock.

That must have been an E Ticket Ride heading out  :o

Let's all hope the conditions mellow out soon

Good luck at The 9 8)