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Outdoor Activities => Outdoor Activities => : Latimeria January 04, 2025, 06:42:23 p

: Treasure Hunting
: Latimeria January 04, 2025, 06:42:23 p
Phase 4 of the morning was to use the present my wife got me for Christmas.  I've said to her in the past that I'd probably love land fishing with a metal detector, but I wasn't expecting one for X-mas.

I thanked my wife on Christmas morning and she followed with... "Since you don't buy me jewelry, maybe you could find me some".  HA!  I can't argue with that logic.  LOL

I headed down to the shoreline and decided to just do a quick scan of the area.  I wanted to dial in the sensitivity and see if the "Metal Type" detected symbol worked.

Well it wasn't long before the screws started showing up.  A lot more than I expected.


I turned off the iron alarm and now it should not beep for pallet screws or nails.  I saw it said aluminum and went digging on the next beep.

Well, they were right...


I found another and kept moving down the beach.  Then I saw a hit that told me it was a penny!  Low and behold it was a penny!  Then another penny!  Then a dime!  LOL


I put it all in a bag to give to my honey when I got home.  I told her I found you something and she actually got a laugh.  One of the pennies was 1971, so at least I have a number for my oldest coin found by metal detector so far.  hahaha, well maybe some new stuff will be coming on the horizon.

: Re: Treasure Hunting
: Tim524 January 06, 2025, 07:44:42 p
Those Metal Detectors have come a long way and the thrill of hunt always keeps things exciting.

Mission Bay might be a Treasure Trove after a big weekend ;)

Good luck 8)
: Re: Treasure Hunting
: jrodda January 06, 2025, 07:05:42 p
That's fun, hope it pays itself off!
: Re: Treasure Hunting
: Latimeria January 06, 2025, 07:26:41 p
Well, my wife is hoping it pays off.  LOL