I had some Bluefin and Marlin vacuum sealed in the freezer and needed to do something with it. I took a bunch of my recent trout catches and even deboned the entire fillets.
I did the Brown Sugar / Bourbon Brine with some wedges of lemon on all of the fish. I fired up the pit with all apple wood this time and well peppered the fish.
Trout up top... Marlin in the middle.. and Bluefin down low.
The marlin looked great!
It was tough to distinguish the wildfire smoke with the pit smoke until you got a whiff of it. lol
Came out great as expected. This batch too less time than my other batches, probably due to the applewood.
Anyway, most of it will be vacuum sealed and frozen for snacks and treats during the winter.
Great looking color on the finished product, definitely smells better than Wildfire :)
All of it looks mouth watering...