The lobster trip got moved to Monday night due to the big winds on Saturday. Tides and weather looked great so hopes were high!
Headed out with Shaun and his son in hopes for limits by 10:00pm.
I haven't repped the old beanie in quite a while.
Awesome sunset... but cold as sh!t.
There was a lot of military off the beach in boats, planes and the likes.
It kept getting better as the entire skyline looked like a rainbow at one point.
We let the hoops soak for 90 minutes and just caught up while we waited.
There was no shortage of crabs but so many of them had eggs so they went back.
Just then two dark jetskis in total darkness and 2 people on each jetski shot by us in the inlet at 40 mph. Bastards almost hit us and we were like WTF are these assholes doing.
5 minutes later and a Border patrol boat comes running in fast into the inlet right by us and nothing registered at this point... until we heard the scream of 4 300 hp outboards and bright blue light blaring!
Then the two Jetskis came racing past us again with only a driver on each Jetski! The border patrol boat was trying to unman the jetskis and they all went racing off. Not sure what was the outcome because in just a few minutes they were all out of sight. I'm guessing they dropped off a few migrants and got the hell out of there.
We continued to pull hoops and not much but crabs and lobster that were a hair short.
Somehow we got an occasional; clam..
and quite a few tiny octopus...
Then I was trying to figure out why the planets above us were blinking. They looked like quiet small helicopters and then we realized they were car sized drones! 4 of them! They were going miles out over the ocean and then coming in over the land. Then they would just hover for 20 minutes in one spot. So weird!!!!
Back to tossing back bugs that were just a c&nt hair from legal.
Not a ton of bugs, but everyone was close.
We decided to call it and of course on our last hoop we pulled had 3 in it. Unfortunately, all of them were just a hair short.
That was it. It was a good trip, but the first time fishing with Shaun that we didn't get a legal bug. Depressing, but that's how it goes sometimes.
Anyway, thanks for reading and until next tide...
Things always seem get better closer to the end of the season, the rain should help get them bugs crawling :)
At least you got to see some excitement, but a little too close for comfort :o
Very interesting evening, even in spite of the bugs.