The shirts and gear are up in the store if interested,!/front+pocket+skeleton+v2-A67951569e27a706fe3ae180e?productType=812&sellable=w84A88nVabiZr5p5NdJy-812-7&appearance=328&size=5
Only a couple of days left for the free shipping. I think there's another sale coming in a few months. Unfortunately, I don't get to pick the sales, but they are set by Speadsheet.
Just ordered a couple, the Logo looks great 8)
: Tim524 February 04, 2025, 07:45:36 pJust ordered a couple, the Logo looks great 8)
Thanks Tim. I forgot to order mine so I'm going to wait for the next sale to put in my order. I miss the days of having a few extra printed for myself by my cousin. Now I even have to buy my own gear. lol
Stickers should also be coming soon.