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Shore Fishing => Freshwater Shore Fishing Reports => : Latimeria February 07, 2025, 09:18:43 p

: Limits (2/7)
: Latimeria February 07, 2025, 09:18:43 p
I got down to the lakes a little earlier than expected as I got out of work an hour earlier than expected.  Rain and clouds=Trout Weather.

Quite a few people around, but I got my spot and got baits out both far and close trying to pinpoint where they were.

It literally took 5 minutes before the skunk was gone and I had one on the board!  Feisty quality trout.  I don't know if these are old stock or some of the newer stock.  The fins looked good.


Then it was a slow hour of nothing.  The Cormorants and Pelicans were ruthless and trying to get my trout off the stringer.

Then a wolf pack rolled through, and I went Back-to-Back-to-Back!


I rebait my spare rod and cast it out right away while I take care of this trout.  I just barely got it on the stringer when the other rod hit!


I retie and cast out.  I just get #3 on the stringer when my spare rod doubles over!  Hole Crap!


Less Than 2 hours of fishing and I almost have my limit!


about 20 minutes later and I re-dip my baits and recast to new spots.  At this point a bunch of people saw me catch a few so I had a bunch of company.

Soon as I turned around, I saw the SI go flying into the air out of the corner of my eye.  I think this is a giant catfish because it didn't come to the surface but you could feel the weight.  I took my time and about 10 feet from me, it surfaced!  HOLY Crap!  6-7 pound normal rainbow!  I reach out with the net but still about 5 feet too short when it rolls, runs, and pulls the hook.  Friggin tiny ass treble came out looking fine, so I guess it didn't get enough bite in the mouth.  I would have hoped it swallowed it, but nope.

I continue to fish, but the next hour was crickets.  I get a text from my wife that she wants to go to an early dinner, so I set the 10 minute timer.  In that time, I started putting stuff in the truck. 

I was down to the last rod when I grabbed the net to throw in the truck when my rod doubles over!  WTF!  Definitely a nice grade one and after a longer battle than i hoped, I finally got him swung in the net.



A few of their bellies seemed plugged with something.  I'm going to fillet them tomorrow and get back to you on what's inside, but what a session!  I only saw a few other trout caught and I suspect that one of them was Ratdog!  I haven't seen John in a while, but suspect I saw him catch and lose a trout.

Well, I know.  Another boring trout session, but I want my 2025 Lightning Trout Damn IT!

: Re: Limits (2/7)
: jrodda February 08, 2025, 05:41:37 p
Certainly not the most boring trout session. Nice limit! Inspiring to see some more success.
: Re: Limits (2/7)
: Tim524 February 10, 2025, 07:47:37 p
That's a nice stringer, time to fire up the smoker again ! 8)  8)