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Messages - Scribby

First, I just want to say LA won the Bat Ray Fight this year because I actually fished and Evan is the new LA Good Luck Charm. I don't OC or SD winning again for a long time.  :-* ha!

Okay, report. Try to share them over here as well but, life is moving fast and never a dull moment. Evan is 4 now and Ruby will be 2 on April 7th. Busy.

Headed out with Vince and Brian over the weekend. Last chance for me to lobster before the season closes. On the water by 230p.

First job was to load up on some fish. Once again Vince didn't disappoint and and put us on a WO red bite. Nice fish in the 2-4lb range. Dropper loop with squid. I fished a 9" BH with a 12oz leadhead on my rig and one dropper loop. Hopping to find a ling. One solid hook-up that came off after 10-15 cranks.

30 of these eaters.

Kook with a kombo.

After we got our quick limit we baited the nets and headed in to fish bass. Pretty good pick on calic*cks and sandovals. I fished the iron and Vince fished the Caivo Kroc.

Nets in the water by 625p. First pull at 725p.

Round 1 - 10 legals, 15-20 shorts
Round 2 - 6 legals, 7-8 shorts
Round 3 - O legals, seals destroyed most of our bait cages. 5-6 shorts.
Round 2 - 2 legals, 3-4 shorts.

Excellent way to end the season. Would have limits for 3 after 3 rounds if the nets didn't get picked by the dogs.

Evan and Ruby with 6 lobsters.

Thanks again Vince!!! Great way to end the season. Not the best season on record for us in SMB but, not bad either.

Report and family update.

Got to get out with Vince Sunday morning for a quick bass trip on his 15ft Duroboat, the Red Drum. Tough to fish a lot these days for me but, still getting out when I can. Taking time to post reports, even tougher.  :o  :P

Vince on the other hand still fishes more than ever.  :D

Evan is getting out more so that is good. Even got a bit sick last time but managed to get through it and have a great day on the water!  :D

Okay, fish report.

Conditions were not too bad. some lump on the water and sweel but not too bad as the morning went on.

Fished plastics from 7a to 12n during the dropping tide. Hit a bunch of spots and covered a lot of ground. Some spots a fish or two, others WFO for 5 - 10 minutes.

Ended the day with:

24 assorted bass landed
4 bucky bass
2 macs

Nothing too big but overall not too bad either.

Morning calic*ck.


Family update. Going good but definitely crazy at times. Lots of colds and viruses this winter which sucked but we survived so far.

Me, Evan, Jessica & Ruby

As things start to calm down and Evan gets a bit older, look out for more reports again like we used to do.

Thanks again Vince and lets get Evan out again soon!!!

Quote from: vdisney on March 14, 2016, 12:18:44 PM
Quote from: LONGCAST JOE on March 14, 2016, 12:04:15 PM
What a contrast to another county's conditions ::)

I nominate for the "Reply of the year award"                ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D


Tom, can you still get Zoo tickets?  :-*

Oh yea, the shirts look great Tom!

One more next year and I'll have my Monday through Friday work shirts all laid out.  ;D

Verne, did you take that picture in between set waves?

Looks like lake compared to what I saw.  ;)

General Board / Re: PUI
January 22, 2016, 09:00:17 AM
Hahahahahhaha, trust me it crosses my mind daily. Especially dealing with a nice quality, prolonged tantrum.


"Evan, would you like pasta for dinner?"

"Yes daddy, I like pasta!"

Make pasta.

"Here is your pasta big guy!"

"I don't like pasta, I want something else."

"Dude, you just said you wanted pasta."

"I don't like pasta..."

(repeat over and over for 5 minutes)

(insert i sure could go for a Coors OG or 10 right now...)  ;D

General Board / Re: PUI
January 21, 2016, 04:28:44 PM
When I spent most of my life drunker than most of you combined, Coors OG and Vodka. After that, whatever was available...wait, I'm no longer partaking in that stuff due to tiny humans. Can I still post here on this thread since I had to deal with most of you knuckelheads for too many years?   ;D ;)

Thought I'd share this with PS as well. Evan is getting so big so fast. Ruby is almost 8 months as well. Time flies that's for sure.  :)

We did our annual winter trip to Catalina last Thursday & Friday. Amazing trip and even more amazing weather. Had Evan spotting kelp paddys all the way there and on the way back.

Stayed at the Metropole. Very nice hotel. Had a room with a perfect view of the harbor.

On to fishing. Evan and I fished the mole with a 1/4 oz jig head and BH grub. Tipped with some squid another angler gave us. All the blue perch you wanted and a couple small calico's.

Evan reeling in a small calico that Mr Jerk wanted.

One nice picture before Mr. Jerk needed Evan's fish. This bird was not afraid of people that's for sure. Evan did not like Mr. Jerk. hahahha

Enter Mr. Jerk.

Trying to release fish while being chased by Mr. Jerk.

Took one picture of a blue perch. As you can see, Mr. J is still there.

Great mini vacation. Going back in February.  :D

General Board / Re: Family Update
May 12, 2015, 09:10:46 AM
Here is Operator Dave at work:

General Board / Family Update
May 12, 2015, 09:09:42 AM
Once again, since Tom has taken some of my awesome internet bros from me I wanted to post this here as well... :-* ;) hahahajk

Here is a new update on the Scribner Family as of Mother's Day.

Just wanted to share a quick picture from Mother's Day. Since the only "social media" I am on is LinkedIn, I wanted to post this picture of Jessica, Evan and Ruby here. Lots of old friends here as well so here is the latest update.

Evan is 27 weeks and crazy but super fun.

Ruby is 4 weeks and was a 10lb baby!

Jessica is doing good even after 10lb baby.

I am 45 and had weenie removed so no more kids!  :-*

Quick side note, we are not making Evan wear reflective vests as a safety precaution. The little nut is nuts about digging. Who ever posted that Twenty Trucks video sent him over the edge for heavy machinery. I plan my drives with Evan so we pass construction sites. No joke. He also goes crazy when he sees anyone wearing an orange or yellow vest. Even the people at grocery stores collecting shopping carts.  :lol:

Last weekend I built him a sandbox in the backyard and we bought him a vest.  He calls himself Operator Dave after some guy at Trader Joes and says things like, "I have work to do Daddy". People with kids know you can't make this stuff up. hahhahaha

Not always easy these days but, damn worth it.  :D


PS. Ruby and Jessica are doing far.  :o
General Board / Re: Where's Sasquatch Game
May 08, 2015, 04:07:12 PM

Going to show Evan tonight and see if he can fine him.

General Board / Re: Newbie - Need Help
November 12, 2014, 11:41:41 AM
Need to make sure I am 100% while the kiddies are young.

When the last one turns 18 it's back on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ;D

General Board / New Scribby!
October 01, 2014, 03:33:09 PM
Well, since Tom has stole some of my awesome internet bro's, just a quick update.  :-* ;)  :)

Jessica is pregnant with a baby girl. Wish I was 25 and not 45 but, very happy and excited to meet her.  :)

General Board / Re: Where's My Beer....
September 30, 2014, 02:39:00 PM
Wheresmyvodka will do that to you... :-*

General Board / Newbie - Need Help
September 08, 2014, 11:53:38 AM
Site looks great Tom!

I have not had a drink in 9 months so I promise to behave myself.  :-*


PS. I'll call when I get a chance, I think I'm it.  :)