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Messages - j.rasta

Sent the texts out Thursday and Friday to get a sesh in during this weekends grunion run. Greg and Mike got the green light.

Guess Mike knew his only shot at a fish was to go solo Friday ;)

Welp he had the spot to himself uber fresh perch. Incoming tide 8pm

Got to the spot Sat 7/6 right at 740. Meet Greg as we see Mike walking down.

Made bait without a problem, always stoked to have what I'm most confident using.

Sent out a perch head still breathing/twitching and leaking shark candy, into the twilight and rough 3-5' surf.

Surf was pumping and the uphill current had me questioning if my 6oz Sputnik would hold. It did it's job and about 20mins in, maybe 5mins after Greg and I finished smoking an offering to the fish God's, my bait got smacked and started ripping line off the bait runner.

I was right next to it, so I gave it a second, engaged the reel, and sent the hook home! Yep that's her boys. She went on a serious 1st run and I had to check my drag to make sure it wasn't too loose lol . She was p!$sed and using the current to her advantage. After a few minutes of back and forth she was getting closer to the big breakers and getting pushed inside but the beach has slope to it with the sand dredged up in the spring. So tailing her was no easy task as every outward surge kept her in the white wash , it was hectic but after several tries Mike and Greg tag teamed her and she was on the hard pack. Finally B)

Unfortunately the first cast curse was in full effect. Mike had to bail Lil after 1030 to pick his twins up, Greg and I stuck it out til almost 11 for nada :'( well that's shark fishing, I guess, one is better than none :)

Rastafar-gone B)<==*~~
Nice work on the salty bass, calicos from shore are always dope.

Like Tom said 40 for the boat in SD bay , is struggling, 40 a piece is what I always shoot for. Took my cousin, who was in town from IDAHO, and his brother in law, Santucky native, out on SD bay Sat morning 8-1130, and got around 50 for 3 of us, and the bite was Mid AF as the kids say..
Thanks guys, might get back out again this weekend but still up in the air.

They're definitely around, and no one seems to fish for them much anymore ;)

Conditions are only gonna get better as the summer progresses, hopefully I'll have more time to get after em .
Well it's that time of year again B)

Luke got it started few weekends ago 6/2 with a solid daytime lowtide soup while he was out with Nick.

6/8 Hit the sand for the 1st grunion run of June on the with Nick and Luke, salad, kelp and red tide were horrendous . But Nick made the most of the short window of clear water and capitalized on his position in the lineup while Luke and I caught all the kelp :X

Fast forward to this past Sat 6/22, Greg joined Luke, his buddy Kyle and I down at the spot for this most recent grunion run to see if the biomass of soups would show up this time.. Nick gave us some scouting Intel and it looked like everything was lining up for what could be a night to remember.

My cousin Mike, aka hippie longbeard, left for his new home in Springfield Oregon that afternoon , and I sent him a pic of the sunsetting over my rod. He said catch a big one for him :'-) Welp Poseidon must have been listening , cause it didn't take 5mins for me to see my rod wiggle, and go slack. I wound down and took a few quick shuffle steps backwards and sent the hook home as she started screaming line off and I could feel her go airborne :P

Man it never ceases to amaze me how hard these sharks fight . She gave me a few blitzkrieg runs and then the 2-3' sets started working to my advantage. Took about 5-6 tries but Greg and Luke co tailed her once she hit hard pack

Glory shot B)

Kyle got a solid take down that didn't get the hook lil while later.

About an hour went by before Luke's rod went bendo next and he handed it off to Kyle. Thought for sure it was a soup by the initial blazing run but turned out to be a saddleback ;P

Beautiful Leo for his 1st surf shark

Well Luke had the hot stick as he went bendo again about 45mins later and after Kyle refused another hand off , Luke buckled down . Either this soup ran through another fisherman's line , down 50yds north from us, or his line was getting dragged halfway towards it. Either way the thing half beached itself rolled up in multiple lines and was a complete cluster eff to deal with while being as green as it was. But I managed to get everything cleared out , and only sustained a meer flesh wound :P on my index finger from maybe a tooth maybe face scales and head shake/roll :x but she swam away strong and we got the sh!t show cleared up

Pic looks clean

How it really was

Not a lot of grunion showed up , and we stayed til midnight before calling it and making the trek out. Not a bad night. But seemed like it could have broke wide open when we first got there. Maybe we should have got there an hour earlier,  but the crowd coming out looked like there was no way we would have been able to soak b4 dark. Til next tide.

Went back to the spot with high hopes. Took my cousin Mike (Hippie Long Beard) to see if I couldn't get him on a shark , for the first time in nearly a decade. 1st cast with the light rod I get a drag ripper.

Then I made the the right kind of baits

As I'm cutting up the perch for my cousin I see Luke bendo on a a screamer.

Get my cousin situated and start rigging my shark rod up. Didn't take long for him to get bit. Wasn't fighting as hard as a soupfin would but definitely a shark. After a few mins he slides the 1st Leo of the sesh into the skinny and I tail his 1st shark in forever B)

Because Science🤪

Then It went quiet on the big rods, aside from a few missed short runs/bites, til well after dark.  But the light rod fishing was WFO all sesh. It was kinda ridiculous, you got bit within 30secs of your crabs hitting the water nearly every cast.

Around 930 Greg gets bit and he's on, again not a soup , but a better sized Leo slides up the sand as the tides rushing in.

Send her back, check and change baits. Lil after 10, my cousin gets freight trained. He hadn't hooked something this powerful from the surf in long time. After a few minutes of back and forth I see a 45+in Bat in the wash, as he's trying to get it turned around in the skinny, the hook pulls :/

Get another bait out and light up an offering to The Fish Gods. As we're shooting the $#!+ Passing the offering around, I see my rod bounce and run over to see my line slack. I crank for my life but can't catch up, so the classic reel and running hook set is brought out of the archives and that was the trick, suddenly I'm on and it's ripping line off my reel! Yuuuuuup that's the right kine, she goes airborne in misty darkness. I almost handed it off to my cousin, but I'm tied with Andre so I needed this to break that tie 😋
We go back and forth, under my cousin's line and back towards my rod holder after a solid fight, Greg and Luke tag team tail grab this healthy Thiiiiick soupie:)

~71" perch chunk

I was stoked to get another one for the list, that's 19 for the list, my 20th all time.

Change baits, get reset and I look at my phone to check the pics. It's almost 11pm now and I gotta get up at 5 to workout b4 work at 7, so I told my cousin I'd let him have the next fish on my rod if it got bit again b4 we had to leave at midnight.

20mins later Greg gets bit, but turned out to be a Guitar that wanted some perch.

Luke was next up but it was just another shovelnose.

Unfortunately that's all the action we saw. Greg and Luke stayed til 2am said the grunion started running lil b4 midnight and Greg landed a soup just b4 1am.

~69" grunion & perch combo

Mike (Pinoyfisher) went out last night, hope you got more than just that Leo bro 🤙🏽

Rastafargone B)<==*~~
Quote from: vdisney on June 08, 2023, 02:50:41 PM
This post is so awesome, I'm going to do something I never do...............REPLY TWICE

Josh, totally in awe and super stoked for you

You're too kind boss, I appreciate it!

Thanks guys, I got family in town this weekend, and a concert at the Rady Shell on embarcadero Sat evening 🤦🏽 I'll definitely be out again in a few weeks when the grunion run again, and probably next week just to see if they're still hanging around.. someone in the parking lot Tuesday told Greg their buddy caught a sevengill at the soup spot last week, haven't seen one of those in 4yrs 🙃
Gonna try to keep this short and to the point. I'm Running on literal fumes right now.

Met up with Greg, lil before 6, at the scene of the slayage from Sunday. Beach was absolutely littered with kelp and every type of seagrass I've ever seen 🙃 for as far as the eye could see north and south.. welp we're here and we know they're around. Not gonna be a cake walk like Sunday lol

He catches a perch pretty quick in-between clumps of salad. I keep getting my crabs smashed but no takers. He catches another mid size perch and we're stoked to have a few fresh baits and one frozen whole perch from Sunday. As I'm reeling in to go grab a piece of Greg's perch I hook one of my own and it's a solid 3 baiter. We get em in the cooler and start deciding w ho is going to get
What piece , he goes head I take a body chunk and we get baits sent out.

Baits in, it's 645ish magic hour is approaching, weeds are pretty much only inside the skinny and shore pound. Seems promising. I look and my lines slack on the beach. It's only been in the water for maybe 2-3mins tops. Reel in expecting weeds to be the culprit but turns out my baits completely smashed/shredded and Uber fresh perch doesn't just fall off a hook and shred itself😵‍💫

Send another bait out and maybe 25mins later, Greg's on! Well that's a good sign lol he put the wood to her and battled her through the waves pretty quick so we thought Leo for sure, until she went on another screamer back to the outside break. They went back and forth for a bit, and drew some onlookers, who were only expecting a fire sunset and instead got treated to a soup fight 🤪

Healthy Mama

Spectator shot

I checked my bait, he Rebaited, sent em again.
Greg grabs his perch rod and fishes for bait for a few mins. As he's soaking crabs I look over and my rods loaded up and doin the grinner shake, run to it and it goes slack, reel for my life to catch up but it dropped the perch chunk, recast and see that Greg's hooked up on the perch rod with something that's not a perch . It managed to get kelp all over itself and in the skinny all I saw was silver and kelp so I figured it was a smallish bean but turned out to be a healthy YFC! We chunked her up and Greg sent the head out.
It's been about 30mins since we sent baits out, it's dark now and we're just waiting for the bite to really turn up.

I switched out the perch for a chunk of YFC, Greg recasts and as I'm watching him walk back to his rod holder I see my rod double over and the and  herky jerky shark shake. I grab it and it's instant slack 😭 I reel and there's no weight at all. Bit off/ rolled through the 80lb mono shock leader.

I only have like 8ft of Mono left, so now I get to tie an FG knot on the beach 🙃

Get it tied and go to recast, I look over and Greg's hooked up. Set my rod down and go help him get her landed. Yep another Soup. She was fired up and put up a great fight.

Solid Tope

He's stoked! I'm losing my mind going 0/3 and breaking off the last one with ever feeling the line go tight.

But I send a chunk of perch out anyway and fire up an offering to the shark gods.

We both know it's about to go off and are keeping a close watch on our rods. Well the offering did the trick, as we're shooting the sh!t about all the fish over the last 2 seshs my rod goes full bendo. Get to it and it's still going, set and I'm OOOONNN! Suddenly those lost opportunities don't sting nearly as bad 😅 she goes airborne a few times in the ambient light from the over cast and full moon glow. Get her into the skinny after a solid battle and as I see the dorsal fin swimming towards Greg I can see she's a good one. Greg tails her and I'm redeemed 🙌🏽

Well we knew it was gonna be a good night and 3 soups is great by anybody's standards. But we weren't going anywhere til the grunion showed up.

Sure enough as I'm getting my rod back in to the holder after I sent another chunk of perch out, Greg's bit AGAIN ! I'd say I can't believe it but it was becoming the norm at this point. After 3 soups we didn't expect anything else lol and sure as sh!t that's what he pulled in through the breakers. Another solid healthy female soup.

We got her sent back and he recasts as I check my bait and resend it. It's like almost 11pm now tides peaked grunion are running and we're in tope heaven.

I'm next up with a screamer bite that I lay into and it's ON! I'm in the zone fighting this fish and just in awe of how much action there's been , get her into the skinny and she's wrapped up in the mono so Greg's got a lil easier task landing a lassoed shark 😅

This might be the picture I want at my funeral

Of course we're not going to leave when they're there's this many fish in the area. We say we're gonna try to leave by 1230 to avoid getting a parking ticket and Greg's got work at 8am lol luckily I'm off Wednesdays, but we didn't get another bite til just b4 midnight. I was up again blistering 1st run, yep that's her bro, she gave it all she had but I slid her up with the shore break and we got her tailed in the middle of the grunion doing their thing 🤪

My 3rd soup of the sesh, 6th total for the night, 9th we've seen this week🫠

Fished another hour for another short bite each. Get to the trucks and Greg lost his keys on the sand. Look for em for 30mins, no luck, drive Greg home to mission valley, to get his spare, it's 230am now, drive him back to the beach and get home lil b4 4 after I stopped for gas 💀😴💩 welp I failed to keep it short LMAO

Rastafargone B)<==*~~

Thanks Guys, to say it was epic would a drastic understatement, but last night 6/6 was pure insanity 😵‍💫 report coming this evening. If I don't go out again and try to catch a few more 🤪😏
Guess who's back B) well it's been awhile since I had anything to post from the surf.. fished Sat night with Mike for a few hours , he had to bail b4 11 to pick up the kids and the action was slow to say the least. Got some reliable second hand info on another spot. Went back out Sunday evening with my buddies Greg and Luke. Met Luke on the sand at 535, Greg showered up shortly after. Made a few perch for bait on meatballs of jelly bean soft shell sand crabs. 3rd bite on the perch rod is an absolute screamer, literally dumping line off my mini 500 size reel with all 7lbs of drag cranked, 130yds flew off and I cupped the spool for dear life b4 having no option but to break off b4 losing all my 15lb braid. 99% sure I hooked a mid 40s batray or the mother of all SFC. Something has 6ft of 12lb floro and a dropper looped drop shot hook souvenir.

Luke and Greg each caught a perch so we started soaking chunks of Uber fresh money baits around 730. Within half an hour Greg's rod loads up and he's on, few mins later I tail a solid Leo for him

Send her back and within 20mins of recasting, Luke's on. Solid run and then she stormed the beach and we thought he lost her, until he caught back up to it in the skinny. Few mins later I tail another solid Leo.

Send her back and 10mins later Greg's on again, after a good fight and nice runs, through the shore pound slides yet another chunky Leo.

I'm bracketed in and starting to think about moving north of Greg since he's got the hot stick so far. But literally 5mins later, after I lit up an offering to the shark gods, I'm looking at my rod tip light, and I see that tell tale smack and my line starts peeling off slowly, then the drag starts screaming! I Grab the rod and lay into her, solid connection, head shakes, tail slap, that's her boys! She was pissed, I could barely see through the mist, and it was completely dark by now but I could see commotion out past the break, and feel the line up in the water column. Then she jumped and I knew it was the right kine B) yep she's a real one, Greg and Luke were ready after a 6-7 min battle up past Greg's rod, I get her through the shore break and she starts rolling up the leader, but that actually helped get her through the skinny as she couldn't get her tail free to get back through the wash. Greg gets a shot at a tail grab and she's landed!!! Luke's never caught or seen a soup in person so he was stoked to finally see one in the flesh.

Been 2yrs but damn it never gets old

Business end ;D

Everyone rebaited and send fresh chunks into the dark misty night. Didn't take long after we all got settled, and my adrenaline rush started to subside, we see Luke's rod in the distance doin the grinner dance, he runs to it and gets to but the fish had screamed at least 85 yds off and wasn't slowing down. He buttons down the drag a bit and she's still screaming line off his daiwa. She finally slows and he turns her after a solid 250yd run, but proceeds to storm the beach after a lil side to side run into my line x) I clear the tangle and he's back pulling her through the skinny, she gets rolled up in the leader in the shore pound and I get her wrangled. None of us can believe how many fish are already on the sand at this point. And we've only been soaking for like 90mins 8/

Solid 70" female

Well amidst the chaos of damn near back to back fish I had to recast from clearing my line outta Luke's fish. Greg looks at his rig and his lines slack, he reels forever to try and get tension and reels in a smashed perch head. Could a been another fish if we weren't busy with one already.

We all recast and start sending pics of all the fish to each other, within 20mins Luke's on again with another absolute tank! Not nearly as much of an initial run but she was screaming line and thrashing near the surface for part of the fight. After a solid fight He manages to keep her outta the other lines and gets her into the skinny . Surf had died down for a bit, and she just washed into the flooded flat beach as the tide was almost peaked, and you could see the definite dorsal fin size difference and she was a thick one. As her belly hit soft sand in inches of water I dragged her up the beach a bit out of the waves.


Well i knew none of us was leaving anytime soon, so we all rebaited or recasted and just waited to see who was gonna be next to get bit ;P Turned out to be Greg's turn. After 3 soups in a row we were all kinda disappointed it was Greg's 3rd phatty leopard of the night:/ crazy how easy it is to tell the fights apart when you've gotten so many in, in one night.

Turned her loose and sent another offering into the air for the shark gods. Seemed greedy at this point, but I was still sitting at one fish on the board lol

Well it took a lil longer than the previous 7 fish but I got another run and set into something not as big or strong as my last bite. Drag was a lil buttoned down from the soup fight, but I made short work of a solid 48in Leo.

We fished another hour or so with only one farmed screamer that Luke never got a hook into. Dude was on fire , coulda likely had a 3 soup night if the last bite woulda stuck. That was around 1015 so we stayed til 11 cause none of us wanted to go home lol I'm definitely gonna be back later this week to see if I can find another one while the grunion are running.

Rastafargone B)<==*~~
General Board / Re: Thursday Night Grinner Crew
May 25, 2023, 05:43:25 PM
Fishing Talk / Re: Curmudgeon
June 23, 2021, 03:34:54 PM
Dark Kastle Marine and motorsports in Santucky. The owner is my green bass partner.. He might be able to help you out.

(619) 749-5464
Thanks Guys! Its crazy, I literally just grabbed a rod and said, well I'm gonna be down there anyway, might as well soak a few baits 8)

Quote from: KogaHead on June 15, 2021, 07:57:47 PM
You are now the master, Tom is officially second fiddle :)

LMAO the funniest thing is, it was last Tuesday! Never thought I'd catch a potential WR, that itself is pretty dope. Not official World Record Mackerel cool, but still stoked to know I released a world record class fish to continue reproducing future monsters!

Rastafar-gone B)<==~~
Hit the surf two weeks ago to see if the soups were still around. Apparently they only feed durring full moons and grunion runs :/

Beat the skunk with a Legit Surf Bat B)
Put up a good fight. Nick was shocked I landed it in under 10mins. Told him when you know its a bat and dont care if you lose it, just tighten the drag and put the wood to em B)

Nothin else after that..

Hadn't been to the Lil Bay in I honestly dont know how long. Was hot in the valley last week so we went to have lunch and burn some trees down at the bay. Fiesta has been dead for too long for it to be a reliable spot anymore.. Decided to try a spot I've seen some big bats caught at. Parkin was good so we posted up for a lil bit and I soaked some calamari i had in the freezer for who knows how long. Old mackerel for back up. But I wasn't really that serious about the sesh just chillin with TinkerBell waitin for her to get hungry.

About 2hrs in we're pretty much gettin pushed off the sand by the tide, and we're deciding where to go eat when my rod bounces then starts screaming. Oh s#!t that's the right bite lol I get to it, set the hook and its ON! BIGGIN Babe! Drag is screamin she's already took 90yds in 30secs. Ok more drag! That didnt slow her down. Crank it down more. Still not doin $#!T! I've never hooked anything on this reel before! (Fin Nor 8000 Bait Runner) Aight we're losing way too much line too fast ! I crank down the drag to probably 85% and she finally slows down a bit and starts to go dead weight. Its probably been 3mins since I set the hook and she decides shes over it and slowly starts the turn back. Stickin to the bottom for 15secs every 20yds or so. After a few mins of that I see a boil 15yds out but no wing flap. I was pretty confused, I thought for sure I had a solid 50"+ bat. I gained a few more feet of line, and she decides to make a U turn. She damn near yanked the rod outta my hands my drag was so tight. As she tries to get turned around she throws her massive tail outta the water and I see a GIANT barb thrashing through the air.  :o Holy $#!T thats not a bat! Things just got serious real quick. I loosen my drag a lil and tell my girl to get ready cuz its about to get sketchy as hell in a sec. I get the fish turned back towards shore and ease her into the shallows tryin not to get her worked up. Shes super green and I know I'm gonna need both hands to drag her outta the agua. As soon as she bottoms out she starts flappin and thrashing her tail like crazy. I hand my rod off, and grab her gaping ear holes for dear life. Tryin to avoid a steak knife sized barb flyin from the back, in the process. I manage to get her just far enough outta the muck, to get some epic pics and let the 27 joggers and dog walkers who gathered durring the mele get a look.

Glory shot

Perspective shot

I know for a fact she was HEAVIER than any bat I've EVER caught or sand handed. Definitely was sketchier to handle lol

Not too bad for a couple shark-less seshs..

Rastafar-gone B)<==*~~
Thanks for Dakine kind words boys!

Last night was a bust for me, but Nick did get the right bite and it came unbuttoned. He did land a nice Leopard and lil 52" Bat.

But it Definitely felt good to get that "squatch-esque" streak broken! With 2 gorgeous soups on consecutive nights.

I've seen a few of my soups jump in the dark but nothing like the display that one did!

I hadnt caught anything but a couple decent bats and small shovels in over 2yrs. Granted 2020 was a bust. Sand handing most of mikes sharks last year was the highlight of the season xD

Hopefully, now that i have more time to target the big game, I'll have more to post. And I might start puttin some halibut up on the boat reports  :o 8)

Guess who's back :D

Been fishin ABA Green bass team tourneys, with a buddy, since January. Finally got a chance to hit the big water again after a solid 1st season. Managed a top 5 finish and 3 top tens, 7th, 6th, and 5th, outta 6 events.

Got a call from my buddy Nick to get after some grinners. Its been over 2yrs since I've felt a shark pull on the big rod. Hit the beach at 5pm to make bait. Managed a small perch and an 8in YFC. Not bad lol, waited the swimmers and surfers out and had baits in by 645. Nothin for the 1st hour. Then the magic hour was upon us. As the Sun starts to dip into the marine layer haze I chopped the croakers head off at 725 and sent it out past the breakers. I Lit up an offerin, and as Nick and I were shootin the $#!+, I look over and see the Rasta-far Rod doin the grinner dance. Sprint to it and get the hook burried and see the most epic tail walk/dolphin breach I've ever seen. This was my 1st time hooking a soup before darkness set in. She was PI$$ED!!! She made another half hearted leap outside the breakers and then the zig zaggin and tail beatin began. I drew a bit of a crowd durring the fight, so the pressure was definitely on as we went back and fourth. After a solid 5mins, that felt like forever lol she was within tailing range and with the help of one last lil shore breaker she was on hard pack firmly in nicks grasp. I of course let out a WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, that had been pent up for over 25months, that would have put 1983 ric flair to shame!!!

Stoked is an absolute understatement!

Snapped some pics and let a few audience members check her out super quick and sent her home.

I had forgot my head lamp in the truck, so I wasnt planning on stayin late, but since Nick invited me out, I said I'd stay til he got bit atleast. Didnt take long lol he was bent b4 dark and landed his PB soup at 73" and some change. On some perch chunks.

Professional Photographer Grade Photo

Well we couldn't leave em biting LMAO
So we both sent baits back out. And within 10mins nicks on again, he gets the hook set and the fish makes a couple hard runs before the hook pulls. Gets his rig in and the bait has no marks, still sittin on his circle hook like he sent it out. So he recasts and we said 20 more mins and we'll call it, before the mega high tide pushed us off the sand. Didnt get to 15mins when his rod goes off again with an absolute screamer. I kinda knew within the 1st 30secs it was a bat lol this thing was on a mission to spool his lil 8000 Penn battle 3! It took 300yds of 50lb braid like nothin and I knew he needed to tighten his drag way down or he was done. After another 80 plus yards flew off I Couldn't help but half yell at him button that $#!+ down bro she's gonna take all your line soon! He just bought the reel and didnt know the limitations on it yet but i couldn't just watch him get spooled! Bro you got like 40yds left she's either takin all the line, or you lock that drag down and at least try and stop her. Worst that'll happen line snaps or you pull the hook, she aint gonna stop with what you're doin now! He was super nervous but finally obliged and he managed to turn her with maybe 30yds left on the spool but he swears he had over 50 x) idk how close he was but I could see alot of space on that spool. She's wore out after that ridiculous run, and they stalemate for a bit, before he starts to gain his line back a few yards at a time. Im textin Mike the whole time lol hes already ready to fish Friday night ;) 15 mins go by and she's gettin close. And almost 20mins after the bite she's in the skinny. Holy $#!+ bro she's HUGE!!! I have caught some BIG bats outta the surf and sand handed my share of ABSOLUTE UNITS, but this was by far the THICKEST AND HEAVIEST MUD MARLIN I've ever laid hands on!!!


Pics Do ZERO justice to the size of this bat. And she wouldnt sit still for $#!+

We were both done after that and the tide had already soaked all of Nicks gear so we made the hike out and called it. Helluva way to get welcomed back to the surf ;D

Well they say strike while the iron is hot.. So I headed back down yesterday same time, place, and mission. Catch bait while I waited for Mike and Andre (lightline22) to show up, and the water enthusiasts to get outta the way :/

Took a lil bit, but I Caught a couple pieces of bait before mike showed up. And the crowd thinned out enough to get a bait in the water by 645. Surf was pumpin a lil more than Thurs but it was fishable. The grass was gettin annoying but I wasn't gonna be discouraged lol. One of Nicks good buddies Greg shows up, we've talked on IG but this was my 1st time fishin with him. Then Andre shows up after his trek down from LA .

So its a full on mini gathering lol Mike and I are book ended with Andre nortg of mike and Greg south of me. He forgot his rod holder at home, and couldnt make any bait so, I offered him some old Mack and generously gave him the tail section of a perch I caught on Thurs :D This would prove to be crucial in the way the rest of the night unfolded.

Magic hour comes and goes. We've all soaked a couple baits. It's about 830 and im kinda wonderin if it was past prime time since we put 2 on the sand before dark the night before. Greg chucks out the perch tail i gave him and says hes probably done within the hour. Not 5 mins later Andre hooks up and as I'm walkin down to check him out Greg says hes bit too! Son of a bi@+©#!!! Mikes watchin his rod and helpin Dre while i crank my rig in and help Greg out. His lil Daiwa Saltist 5000 is gettin worked !!! 50lb braid singing off like it was trout gear! I questioned his drag tightness after 200yds went towards Catalina and told him bout nicks beast the night before almost spoolin him on a bigger reel. Mike came over after gettin Dres fish dealt with and said the same thing as Greg's fish headed towards mikes line. He cranked down and managed to turn her before it became a complete clusterfμ©× . after about 12 mins she was in the skinny and mike and I dragged her to hard pack .

Dres Bat

Greg's Bat

Not what we came for but part of the game lol we all rebaited and said we'd fish til 10 since the high was at 11 and we got pushed out bout 45mins before the peak the night before. Probably 30mins later, Andre hooked up with another bat about the same size. but Mike didnt wanna take another pic apparently ;P

So at 940ish I chopped the head off the YFC I caught that day and sent it out into the darkness. I was talkin to Greg while he held his rod, rememeber he forgot his rod holder lol he was worried about his tackle, sittin on his towel few yards behind us, gettin wet with the tide comin up quickly, so I dragged it up the sand for him outta harms way.. Literally as I stood back up he says I think you're gettin bit. I look and my rod starts that grinner rip rip rip ZIIIIIIIIING !!! Sprint 10yds and get the reel engaged and ITS ON!!! THATS HER!!! Tell tale hurky, jerky, thrashing, line coming off sporadically, i hear a splash from what felt like a jump. It's a shark for sure!!! She was Pullin me north right towards mikes line. Luckily she just swam over it and Greg helped me navigate the obstacle with no problem. She was already pretty close but wouldnt give up. when she hit the skinny she bolted back through the inside break a few times before the shore pound wore her out enough for Greg to get a tail grab and we dragged her out enough to get her unhooked and a couple pics.

Another Beautiful Female Soup

Gotta love a buzzer beater B)
We all packed up, as the tide was just about to start makin its way up to our gear.

Needless to say I've had that $#!+eatin grin on since sunset on Thurs, and my face kinda hurts xD but I'll be back out there tryin to keep the streak goin tonight. From No sharks for 25months, to 2 in 2 nights, NEVER GIVE UP!!!

Rastafar-gone B)<==*~~~