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Messages - SurffishingSean

Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Legal Ghosty
March 15, 2017, 01:30:33 AM
Sup shark guys. Usually wouldn't post this here but this was a BIG catch to me.

Well guys i have been MIA from the board. but plenty of lurking and  by me. Appeciate all the reports, keep it up everyone! First off i wanna sorry for not posting as much. I've been working a lot and  every chance i get. which is a session or two a week.  I have had some awesome outings since my last report. one session was all croakers in the 17-19.5" range including a few legal  . and this nice fat calico i scored last november. along with another 20" size.

Anyways fast forward a few months and many great sessions. Late feburary My friend juan and i have found out the ghosts have been frequenting the local hole again.

We hit the morning high and Juan hooks up at around 9am just before high tide. around a 5ft tide. Nice one 25" ghost on the sand. I had just switched to the DS and flung it out there. second cast this guy slammed it and started running. My sinker was down his gills and it must have swallowed my whole rig! luckily easy removal and quick CPR on a healthy 25". juan hooks up again with another one in the low 20"s. we called it a day a bit after.We hit it the next day i get skunked and juan gets 3 ghosts and a croaker. just couldn't get a bite for the life of me.

Next session 3/9 we get down to the spot at greylight. Conditions were perfect. I had a feeling we would pull something nice soon. Scored two within the first 10 minutes. a 18" and 26". Then a big set comes in and i thought i got snagged as i was walking back to evade the wave. all of a sudden my rod goes full bendo and the fish start bolting up the coast. then up and down the coast several times and kept changing directions all the way up onto the sand.  i knew it was the one and it was incredible fight. i'd say it took 5-7 - 15-30yard  runs and the battle lasted 2:30 - 3 minutes. Felt fine handling the fish using 20lb braid and a 15lb pline leader.  Now i have the confidence to handle a bigger specimen.  I was so stoked screaming to myself on the drive home.

I love this shot we saved from Juans video of the release. The fishig hit at 6:45 in the morning, 30 minutes before a 5.7' high tide.

After i caught the legal we casted religiously for the next out. hit 3 more spots real quick and then went back to the honey on the start of the outgoing. 24"  hits the swimbait in the skinny and is on the sand! Wooo double legal day! Ended 2016 with 4 legal  and have got 2 this year this putting my at total 13.

The next morning with hit it again on 3/10 and i scored a healthy 27" ghost at greylight within the first 5 minutes!!!! no bites the rest of the session.

All of the WSB hook ups were using weedless swimbaits. the day i didn't get a bite was the day i wasn't using weedless. the salad was an issue every session. love the warbaits. Sorry for the long report but this fish has been a goal of mine since i started  with lures. Especially after almost losing my foot to a staph infection.

One last thing guys. careful on the rocks! i saw my friend Juan get slammed on the rocks, lose his, rod, glasses, and one of my booties i let him borrow to cross the rock section.

Keep it fishy everoyone! - Sean
Quote from: LONGCAST JOE on August 15, 2016, 09:30:58 PM
Love the fact that you tried chunking thornback for bait. Good idea to mix it up when the norm isn't doing anything....

and Chad, just some quick advise from someone who learned this painful way, me... always double check yourself and be sure it's a thornback and not a round ray before grabbing your leader close to it, or going to unhook it or letting it dangle around your feet or legs. They're very similar in shape and size so never assume its a thornback until you see those 3 rows of thorns. Round rays tails are super quick and can barb you so fast you wont even see it happen, but you will feel it! Many, many years ago I caught what I assumed was another thorny because I had caught a few already that day. I grabbed my leader about 6" above the dangling ray and...wack! right deep into the underside of my wrist where all those tendons and veins are...I remember thinking, ahh sh!t, then massive burning pain, felt lightheaded and then the next thing I know I'm waking up on my back in the sand with lifeguards and paramedics surrouding me.So.... make sure everytime you or your kids or family, catch what you think is a -1 at first glance,that it does have the 3 rows and isnt smooth before getting within range of its tail.


Crazy story Joe. Ive almost been stung by one. i had some paper on its back and tried unhooking the skate and it flip its back side up like a scorpion. I'd say its barb was about 1/4 inch from getting my hand. i tripped out because of how fast it moved. Lesson learned sooner than later on these little guys.
Sweet! love so cal's surf fishery!
Super awesome! Great for those low tide days when the swell is up and you still need to get out. Ive always thought those were baby cabezon. They are beautiful fish for sure. Keep it up ! 8)
lol we wanna see the pictures!
Beautiful soupie's Tom! is there anything you can do to prevent them wrapping themselves? i'm thinking of bumping up to 130-150lb shock leader.
Nice congrats on those soups Edgar! sure is fun to grab the tail...  I also scored a cool mini model around 30" with some nasty teeth!
Always putting in work Joel. Hope you get a BIG target fish soon.  ;) ;)
Lol. :o :o
Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Re: Number 4.
June 16, 2016, 09:59:28 PM
xjchad: It was smaller than it looks but still a nice one. Yeah i'll figure out a accurate measuring device. :)
Tom: I edited the post with the details. i'll get it right next one  ;)
Salt Water Shore Fishing Reports / Number 4.
June 16, 2016, 07:08:14 PM
Hit the surf sunday night. Big swell but manageable. Decent fight, much less than soupies. Can't wait to Land my Big one! I really hope for consistent calm conditions soon.

Bait: Mac Head
4' incoming tide
3-4 waves

Not too sure on the measurement. probably around 70-75"s. Gotta start measuring these sharks more accurately.

Can't wait to get out again after the swell is done.
Lol i look forward to grabbing them.
Great story and thats sweet you got together with Fangman. that awesome pictures. Keep it up!
Great Report XjChad!  :o Two nice 7 gills and Leo. Too bad about the lost fish but thats part of the game. Keep up the good work, I'm still recovering from my first shark burn. lol