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State Record Mackerel

Started by Latimeria, August 04, 2021, 06:28:19 AM

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The story about the S.R. mackerel...

I used to make my New Year's Resolution every year as something I wanted to accomplish rather than the usual "quit something bad for me" or "self-improvement".  My goal was to catch some sort of record fish.  At the time, I missed the line class record for a yellowtail since my line tested out at 10# and I was using 8# trying for the 8# line class record.  Unfortunately, the 10# line class yellowtail was 12 pounds heavier than the 8 pound at the time.

I kept getting close, but no cigar throughout the year.  At the time, I was a Sr Zookeeper at the Wild Animal Park and worked with many good fishermen there, so they always reminded me every day, that I was falling short.  Fast forward to November...

I was catching 2-4# Bonito on my bass stick when I realized I reeled in the biggest mackerel I've seen.  I swore it was a 3-1/2 pounder and put it on the scale.  The scales are a harsh reality check and was only 2-1/2 pounds.  I brought it home and decided to just check the records since apparently the three-pound mackerel I've caught in the past, were probably only 2#.  I saw it was a state record tie, so called up my buddy Roger and told him.  He laughed and said he's caught tons of bigger mackerel before, so I brought it in on ice the next day to work since he wanted to see it and ridicule me.
He came to the truck and I opened the cooler to hear him say "Holy sh!t!  That's the biggest mackerel I've ever seen"...  Then he put it on a scale and it came out to 2-1/2 pounds.  I was actually shocked that I got a seal of approval from him.  LOL

When I got home, I called DFG and set up an appointment to come in and get it officially weighed and positively ID'd by the field biologist.  I didn't want it to lose any weight so bagged it up and brought it in the next day.  As I was in the waiting room, I kept noticing this huge dude paying thousands for certain hunting licenses and was like "I know this guy from somewhere..."
The biologist called me back and said, did you see David Wells out there?  I was like "Oh sh!t!"  David Wells was one of my favorite Yankee pitchers and loved when he came to SD to play for the Padres.  I grabbed the mackerel out of the biologist's hands and said I'll be right back.
I only had a flip phone, so pictures were spotty at best on them, but I asked if I could get a picture with him and the state record mackerel.  He looked annoyed but said Okay.  He quickly retorted that he's caught hundreds of mackerel bigger than that.  I retorted "No, then you would have the state record mackerel".  I chuckled, but he seemed annoyed.  As the desk lady was going to take the picture, I held up the "Hang Loose" sign with my hand and he turned super aggressively at me!  I looked at his pissed face looking at my hand and then realized he thought I was giving him the finger!!!  He quickly realized his mistake and a huge smile appeared on his face just as the lady took the picture.  Perfect timing!

He gave me a "Nice Fish and Nice meeting you" and walked out of the lobby.  The Biologist was laughing his ass off because he watched the entire thing transpire.  After a good laugh, he measured, weighed and positively ID'd the fish telling me that I tied the State Record mackerel.

Long 1000-word story about the mackerel for those who wanted to read it I guess, but my New Year's resolution was accomplished, I wowed my buddy with a damn mackerel, and I got to meet one of my favorite baseball players.  That was a great memory all surrounding a stinking mackerel I'd say.  Hahahaha

I hope you guys enjoyed the read.
You can't catch them from your computer chair.


I think I hold the record on gophers :o ;D Congrats on the catch and meeting your favorite pitcher 8)


I don't remember the part about it being a tie.

Besides, I've caught lots of mackerel that size.  ::) ::)


The only reason I knew it was a tie was because there was two names listed under the state record. This is a great story though, I was too late to SC surf to get the full scoop but always found it an amusing "Did you know?" thing! Think I'm gonna try for a record Lizardfish.


Good read! Just checked the site, you're still tied... but not for long. Gonna buy the biggest sabiki I can find.


That's a cool story especially with all the asides. Getting a rise out of Mr. Wells was pretty funny, "no, then you would have the state record" hahahahahaha