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Triple Shift (1/24)

Started by Latimeria, January 24, 2025, 07:00:03 PM

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I had to pull the triple shift today...  Work, Fish, Dad (Care for sick kid)

Fished First (Pre and Post PT appointment).  I got a couple of 2 hours sessions in today (SUPER cold early morning and warm mid-morning). 
First session was almost an instant hit.  Great bite and big bendo.  You could tell it was a nicer trout.

Fight it up to the net and 'POP"... Line broke and he was gone.  Probably a 3.5-4# model.  Damn, I forgot to retie after the last trip.... My bad... or it was his tooth that cut it.  Lead split shot even rubbed down the line to the hook.

I had two bumps in the line or something swimming by.  Both time the strike indicator jumped, but nothing came from it.

Then I had the classic "Drop and Rise" of the SI indicating a trout... and a nice trout it was.

I was really relieved to get the net under him after my last string of lost fish.

Time was up and I had to get to PT which was brutal.  Afterwards, I still had my gear in my truck, so went right back.

My spot was taken, so I switched it up and hit another lake.  Plan was 2 hours before I HAS to get home and get some work done on the computer.

No bites for an hour and then I see that beautiful sight of the SI dropping like a lead marble.  No monster, but a really good one at most other lakes.

Stoked to have a few fresh ones this morning and ran her home to sit in the cooler with the other one.

Next hour and just crickets, but it was a gorgeous day! 

I get back to the house and open up my laptop.  That big smile I had turned upside down when that monitor opened.  ;D

With the weather thankfully coming in this weekend, I'm about due to go on a bug hunt.  I already told Shaun that I can drive the boat, but my shoulder is not in any pulling shape right now.  We'll see.

Daughter wasn't too happy with me since I refused to go in her room because she is so sick.  I'd leave the water or Juice or food at the door and knock on her door to "come and get it".  hahaha

Have a good weekend everyone!
You can't catch them from your computer chair.


Nice couple of Trout you got today, you have been hitting it hard lately 8)

Bummer on the sick one in Quarantine Mode, it's going around  :(

I hope to get some Trout Time in, heading to Bishop for a Trout Derby on the 5th of February ;) Hopefully the weather holds out :-\


Nice to see some success! I have to be out of the house tomorrow, despite the rain, so I might look for trout if the wind isn't too hard to deal with on the UL.