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Sasquatch and the 300 Pound Bluefin (7/12)

Started by Latimeria, July 12, 2015, 07:41:44 PM

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I mean gorilla ...

....on my back.  LOL

Well Steve had a rough few days with some family matters and was happy to get out looking for a Bluefin on the Boma.  We packed light and started out journey at o'Dark Thirty.  We tried to make bait, but found nothing in the usual spots.  We decided to run up to LJ and look for macks before heading out to the deep blue.  Thankfully on the first spot was all the Spaniards you wanted.  We grabbed 20 and even bypassed the TONS of small bonito in order to look for pelagics.  We actually made it to the North 9 and trolled while spotting paddies.

We finally spot a BEAUTIFUL paddy with obvious yellows on it.  Steve hooks up and it was a battle trying to get him out of the paddy!  Nice fish that I videotaped until the end game was upon us.  Just then my rod gets bit, but I hold off to get Steve's fish in.  I wanted a clean head shot and would make wide circles from under the boat to striking range.  Ugh.. Between my rod and waiting for a good shot, the fish gave a little burst and I cut him off..  Ugh... I felt like crap, but had to grab my rod as I had a fish on.  It was only a little 5lb rat yellow, while I lost Steve's 15 pounder!  It made me sick on my blunder... (#1) 

(#2) occurred immediately after as we went to toss some new baits on the paddy and a big ass Knot Head Sea Lion shows up and just harasses us.  Not only that, but the fugger swam into the middle of the kelp paddy and started rolling in it like he was itching himself!  I pulled out the sling shot, but had no ammo, so we just waited him out just to find the paddy devoid of fish now.  Off we went trolling...

The radio was full of have and have-nots.  It was hard to tell who was telling the truth or not, but I did not have enough gas to run where all these boats were fishing, so we tried to find our own fish.

Water was beautiful and 71.  We hit a couple of more paddies, but couldn't get a thing to snap, so we trolled on.  I finally went to gun my motor and the thing got all sluggish again.  I thought I had it fixed, but it is like vapor lock or something (#3). The cool thing was seeing a small mako shark jump 5 feet out of the water and do a backflip!

Trolled in for nothing but a huge bloated sea lion we thought was a paddy at first.  We even fished it for no luck.  We also got in front of some dolphin, but did not find any tuna that way either.  Thankfully I got the boat on plane again, but couldn't stop or I would lose all momentum.  I wound up stopping outside the inlet to see what all these birds were feeding on and red crab was everywhere!  Steve farmed a bite and we went to shoot in the inlet when my boat wouldn't go more than 7 mph...  What crap and what a slow ass ride in.  I was actually pretty hairy getting in the inlet with such little power.

The "Over the line" tournament was going on and boats were everywhere!  There were 40' cigarette boats dropping into South Shores! 

I walk up to my truck to see my lights on! (#4).  It barely started, but at least it did...

(#5) was as I was backing my trailer down, I noticed I had a flat on the trailer with new tire!  REALLY?  Boats are waiting to drop in, so I didn't have much time.
I had a little trouble (not much) getting my boat on the trailer with such heavy use but it went well.

I fill up the tire just to think what could have happened.  I looked at the tire and a big ass screw was in it... ugh

Steve helped me dig the jack, tire plugs and such out to do a fix right there in the parking lot.  The boat got back home safe and sound.

I'll attach a video when I'm done making it, but here is the only pic I took today as my camera's battery was dead (#6) and I didn't feel like fumbling with my phone or GoPro.
It was  a fun time out there, but  wish we could have got onto some more fish.  It seemed like the deck was stacked against us at times, but we worked hard for shot at them.
Overall we travelled about 40 miles today!  That is some haul in a 41 year old bass boat!  ;D

Good fishing with you Steve.  Next time, but I have to find the motor issue first.

You can't catch them from your computer chair.


 Can't put into words what good a simple fishing trip did for me. Thanks for the ride.

I know you didn't have the best day with the gremlins on your case, but it was great for me. I got a nice fish out of the kelp three times, fought it to the side of the boat, spent some time on the water seeing whales and stuff, and got a mental refresher.

See you Teusday.


Gremlins ugh ...  >:(

Glad you guy got out .. but also back ok.

I hate being laid up  >:( >:( >:( ... so jealous ...!!!  8) 8) 8)


Quote from: WheresMyBeer on July 13, 2015, 02:27:38 PM
Gremlins ugh ...  >:(

Glad you guy got out .. but also back ok.


Getting home safe is the best news.
Batson Rod Winner 2017
      2018 SNBF Champ
          Forty Six (46)


I hope everything is going better for you and your family Steve. Glad you guys did what ya did and atleast had some chances at fish.
P.S. got a nice nail in my front driver side tire from my drive from LA this morning

faster u fool

trouble on the water... >:( great to get the squach out and relieve some stress...