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8/16 La Jolla AM

Started by skrilla, August 18, 2020, 12:07:36 AM

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Scouting the forecast days before Sunday left me with low expectations but it's my fishing day so...

Super calm start with lake like conditions at the launch. Didn't even get wet from the knees up. Water temp dropped from 69° to 67°. Air slightly muggy. As I cross the reserve line a slight breeze awakens with the grey light emerging from the horizon.

Scattered schools of smaller spanish macks spotted starting down at approximately 17ft deep. I'd pick off one or two before having to search for another school. After filling the tank I spent the morning weaving around flotsam and jetsam dragging my offerings thru the mid water column which is where on my fathometer showed signs of the right kind. But alas the marks were few and far between. No takers not even a nibble, drats... foiled again!

Around mid morning the SSW breeze started building as well as the uphill current. By then I had already hooked into a few deep water Calicos and a new personal best sarcastic fringehead with it's neon lips and freakish mouth opening abilities. Definitely a species I'd like to display if a saltwater aquarium were ever to become an option. It was pretty easy to determine the fat lady wasn't warming up before saying it was time to go. And just like that the seas once again reminded me who's boss.

Taking the long way back with my bow pointing towards Cancun I noticed a frenzy going on at the kelp line with what looked like a few lucky anglers scoring huge numbers on the checkered kind. Birds of a different feather all filling up on an easy meal based on their body language. It was tempting to get in on the fun but given how hard the wind was bullying me towards the Razor house I decided to keep on truckin' and save it for another day.

Wet paddle coming in. A very uneventful landing to end the journey. Another session in the books. Longer read shorter fish count. Gotta make up for it somehow. Kept a few jacks in the tank to surprise the kids. All but 2 made it home alive. Had a short window of fun watching the kids play the "crane game" with a pair of tongs before placing them on ice. Smoked tri tip for dinner. Scrambled eggs mixed with "poor man's yellowtail" and a dash of salt for breakfast. Ice cold brewed coffee to wash it down.


Damn. Thought for sure there was an epic battle in there somewhere.

Crane game sounds fun though.


That was straight out of the pages of Flip!!!

Great write up Len!
You can't catch them from your computer chair.