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Terafirm tackle

Started by Eric H, July 26, 2018, 11:57:56 AM

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That lady was annoying. Video could be used as fodder for the anti-fishing folk.
Batson Rod Winner 2017
      2018 SNBF Champ
          Forty Six (46)


Landing fish that we have been told not to land can be used as fodder for the anti-fishing folk.


Everybody cool yer jets.

I have contacted the reporter and invited her to come meet us and learn what's really going on so we can get the truth out there.

I also explained to her that by doing these posts the way she does, she is actually causing more people to fish for them because guys see the pics, get excited, naturally want to catch one too, and she has provided them with location and time of day. We all know that means more guys that don't know what they're doing that are going to pose a threat to the fish, themselves, and swimmers.

She will be busy with the US Open of surfing for the next couple of weeks, but we'll touch base again after that and try to arrange a time for her to actually come out and discover what's really happening.

We need to educate everybody involved, not attack the uninformed.


Anybody have an emergency beer?


Quote from: BenCantrell on July 26, 2018, 01:42:05 PM
Landing fish that we have been told not to land can be used as fodder for the anti-fishing folk.

Ben, you're out of line bro. The rules and regs say we must immediately release the fish once we identify it as a protected fish. You weren't there, I was, and you couldn't identify what it was until it was 10' away in the shore break.

Yes, at that point to comply with the letter of the law you should cut the line.

But, I have spoken with a number of DFW wardens in the field that all say privately that at that point they want you to remove the hardware if you can do it safely for the fish and the fisherman. To a man they have all said they want us to apply common sense and that they are not going to site anybody for landing and assisting the fish. They all also mentioned having a serious problem with pier fishermen that don't have licenses that hook into a large black sea bass or great white that are afraid to take the fish to the beach to release it because they are afraid if they step foot on the sand they will be cited for fishing without a license. Again, to a man all of the DFW wardens have said they would never do that and they wished fishermen would use some common sense.

If you do decide to land the fish to remove the hardware, do not stop to do anything but remove the hook and return it to the sea. No pictures. No measurements. Just land it safely as quickly as possible and return it immediately.

The agents in the field are the ones who are going to make the decision as to whether or not you are going to get a citation. And if they all tell me they would prefer me to handle a given situation a certain way, then I'm going to do everything within my abilities to meet their request.

This is a situation every land based big game fisherman should think about and decide for themselves what they are going to do before it happens so they know how to react should they face it.

Anybody have an emergency beer?


It's also illegal to intentionally target them.

But sure, keep doing what you're doing - use massive hooks that aren't necessary for soupfins and sevengills, use baits much larger than is necessary for soupfins and sevengills, and kayak your baits out much farther than is necessary for soupfins and sevengills.  And keep repeating over and over, "you can't help what ends up taking your bait".  Do whatever helps you sleep guilt free at the end of the day.  And by all means enjoy the publicity every time a beach-goer takes video of you guys "accidentally" catching your great whites.


And for those of you who may have missed it, or not had it air in your area, the video was shown on the evening news. The coverage was pretty positive and mentioned the safe release of the shark. If you watch the second video, you'll see how happy the woman was when she saw it swim away like a champ 8)

We can't take an adversarial stance and attack people who are not as educated or experienced as we are. That will only lead to them becoming defensive and attacking us even more. We need to educate the public so that they know the truth and help fishermen new to the sport to conduct themselves properly, like true fishermen, so that we can continue to enjoy our favorite activity and protect our wonderful fishery.

Or, you know, you can go fish for catfish ;D

Anybody have an emergency beer?


Actually Chip, Ben is not out of line.  He said "Landing fish that we have been told not to land can be used as fodder for the anti-fishing folk."  Which is true.

Agents in the field telling you to use common sense is different from a situation that gets blown up in the media and social media where people higher in the agency and other agencies might get involved.  As soon as something like this goes bigger than the local DFW Joe telling you to use common sense, Joe is gonna say he never told you that.  We might know what's best to do to quickly and safely release a GW or BSB, but that's not going to stand up to the letter of the law if the anti-fishing group and government get involved. 

Trying to say that you're only targeting Sevengills isn't going to last either.  We all know that that area is not the best kind of environment to find them.  And If I can land a 9 footer on my spinning gear, an 9/0 size reel is way overkill.

I'm not saying I wouldn't love to catch one, I would! But the bait, gear, and tactics you guys are using show what you're fishing for.  There's simply nothing else out there that would require that. 

I also don't think it would be such a big deal, if you guys weren't doing it on a highly populated beach, in the summer, during the day.
I purposefully seek out lonely stretches of beach and fish mostly at night in order to keep the public off my back.


I'm really not trying to bash you at all Chip, I know you're a great guy.  I know Bill is too, and Spencer sure seems great as well.  I don't have anything against any of you, and love you all as fellow brother fisherman.   ;D

I actually don't have an issue with targeting the GW's either, like I said, I'd love to catch one someday. 

My concern is with how y'all are going about it and the negative repercussions that it could possibly reap.  Not just for shark fishermen, but for fishing as a whole.  My kids love fishing and are getting to the ages where they can do more of it without my constant assistance.  I just want the opportunities to be around for them and their kids you know?


Thanks for your opinions, here's what you can do with them.

Anybody have an emergency beer?


Batson Rod Winner 2017
      2018 SNBF Champ
          Forty Six (46)


LOL, thanks Chip, I'll do that as soon as I have some alone time  ;D


Quote from: xjchad on July 26, 2018, 02:25:42 PM
I also don't think it would be such a big deal, if you guys weren't doing it on a highly populated beach, in the summer, during the day.
I purposefully seek out lonely stretches of beach and fish mostly at night in order to keep the public off my back.

I prefer to fish in the daylight on any beach I legally can, I didn't pay for a license to hide and sneak around at night. The crowds help pass the time, most are tourists that have lots of questions. I think stories like this are more positive on the sport than stories on guys that don't know what they are doing. If there are no positive stories, the negative ones will represent all licensed and unlicensed fishermen in the eyes of the public.

That beach is very deep right up to shore, kinda like the wedge in NP but not as extreme, there is not really any skinny there to see what is one your line until it is over the break and you run up to it, and jump back.


I like the night time incognito fishing, no questions to answer and excuses to make up.
Batson Rod Winner 2017
      2018 SNBF Champ
          Forty Six (46)


Quote from: Pinoyfisher on July 26, 2018, 03:58:10 PM
I like the night time incognito fishing, no questions to answer and excuses to make up.

Exactly, plus I'm just not much of a people person.   ;D