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Reflection and Projection

Started by Latimeria, March 01, 2023, 07:24:09 AM

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I hit 52 last week and tore it up as I usually do.  With the household situation the last year, I've done a lot of reflection and my old coping skill was to grab a smoke to level off any anxiety.  Three years ago, I realized those coffin nails were going to kill me and I gave them up.  One of the hardest things I had to quit.  Unfortunately in my reflections, I also realized I never went without a drink for more than probably 3 days... like since High School.  I've tried to dry up here and there, but 3 days later, I always at minumum grabbed at least a beer.
I finally said I was going to try to stay dry for a month.  My goal would be a week at a time and if I could hit a month, then possibly try to go another. 

With the current family dynamics, this was probably as bad as a time as any to try and quit my favorite vice of all, but if I can do this, I'll have conquered some demons in some of my darkest times which adds some weight to my personal accomplishment.  I'm realizing I can't control my current situation with the household dynamics at the moment, but I can control what I do to myself.  It's not helping my current grumpy attitude, but I feel things getting better as I now hit my first dry week.  I know, it doesn't sound like much, but for me it is.  If anything, my Liver is probably rejoicing like it's 1999!  lol

Anyway, I just feel like I needed to share since I kind of been less engaged in the forum lately and I can use some brotherly support. 

Thanks for listening guys. 
You can't catch them from your computer chair.


Welcome to team dry and boring!

Pros: Better sleep, less inflammation/sore joints, less depression (if that's a risk).

Cons: It's harder to celebrate stuff. Alcohol is huge for celebrations. People can get annoying when they keep asking why you don't drink.

Best of luck Tom!


All the support you need. Stick with it my friend.


Good on ya for the first week.

I haven't drank in coming up on 3 years. Team Dry and Boring is right!

I didn't have the years behind me in building the habit that you did, but I was "feeding a buzz" pretty much every evening with whiskey or tequila or whatever else for several years. Nobody seemed to notice as long as I didn't tell them, so I thought it was all normal and good. Seemed like the answer to all my problems from sleep to creativity to anxiety, and the only downside was I couldn't drive. However when I would mention my habit the response was always "you drink HOW MUCH every day???" It didn't cause any serious problems, but I realized quickly that if that's how I was at 25, then I'm gonna have a liver the size of a sevengill's by 40, and I would probably make other related compromises that would accumulate.

Made several motions to quit. They would normally last a week or a month and then I figured I'd been a good boy for long enough and came back. Eventually was disappointed with my own trajectory, and knew I didn't have the self control to keep a whiskey bottle around for more than a few days, so quit outright. Still get pretty strong cravings from time to time and have semi-regular dreams that are like "you're not an alcohol abuser anymore, so let's celebrate with LOTS of drinks!!!" The reason I can stay away now is I know I'll only treat it like it's a tool, a solution to problems. So I always respond to my cravings to drink with "it's not the solution" and that alone has been able to keep me dry.

It sounds like you're on a different path than that, thankfully. It sounds like you've got a solid plan for yourself and it's already working pretty well. Honestly, with a stressful home life like you've got right now, a buzz does sound like a pretty damn nice band aid, but you'll thank yourself later to learn healthier coping mechanisms now, and not put a strain on your health as you get up into your more physiologically vulnerable years. Good luck in however you decide to play it and know you've got support here.


Thanks guys.  I appreciate the kind words.
You can't catch them from your computer chair.


 3 years for me, not a drop. Lab work ups were the eye opener, the Doctors told me to slow my roll so I just quit. Lost 70 Lbs because I now have motivation and I exercise everyday and I don't feel like sh!t when I wake up. The first month was tough but after that it was a breeze. Just remember you can do anything you put your mind to. The money spent on alcohol over the last 35 years could have paid for a boat or two :o


Been there Tom, I wish you nothing short of success in your venture.  When you said you were 52 years old, something occurred to me.  I got out of the military around the time you were born   :o
Family is Everything..............Honor, Loyalty & Respect


Quit 10 years ago!

Now one non-alcoholic St Pauly Girl gives me a buzz.

Feel much better and spending the money on golf and fishing.

Hang in there!
2024 Prehistoric Soul Football Champion
(Tom & Jeremy Suck!)


Oh yeah Koga's right! A lot of good near beers out there. Only one I don't like is Budweiser Zero. And at least for the first case or two your brain will be fooled and give you a little serotonin kick like you're drinking real alcohol.


10 days in and I might pick up a sixer of Heineken Zero for the weekend.  It's party time!  lol
You can't catch them from your computer chair.


Quote from: Latimeria on March 03, 2023, 06:29:16 AM
10 days in

Anyone who hasn't waked this path doesn't understand, many congrats my man.  Proud of ya
Family is Everything..............Honor, Loyalty & Respect


Day 17.  The last few days were really tough and I don't know why since nothing was happening that would make me want to reach for a drink. 
I did go out and buy a new Zero Beer and was quite shocked how tasty it was   Coors Edge.  I think it's actually tastier than the real Coors!  It fooled my brain and palate, so the urge thankfully waned.  I'm trying to even keep the Zeo Alcohol beers to 2 a day so I can break the habit mentally.
You can't catch them from your computer chair.


get the St Pauli Girl, it's the best!
2024 Prehistoric Soul Football Champion
(Tom & Jeremy Suck!)


Haven't seen the coors. The IPNAs are really good, juicy and rich. I've been getting Old Milwaukee cuz it's the cheapest for the 12 pack, not bad but stellas, amber o'douls, and heinies are my favorite rotation. St pauli is really good.

Idk if it's just me (and some of Europe) but a lot of times i like them most at room temp. The flavor really pops.
