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Saturday Night Bat Fight Summary after 17 years....

Started by Latimeria, March 10, 2024, 10:31:41 AM

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In the annals of fishing lore, there exists a tale that binds anglers together in camaraderie, competition, and the pursuit of monstrous bat rays. It's a story that harks back to 2007, echoing through the waves and sands of coastal California, where the Saturday Night Bat Fight was born.

It all started innocently enough, as banter often does, on a local fishing forum where two intrepid fishermen, Donfish and Latimeria, engaged in friendly discourse about the size and prowess of bat rays lurking in the depths of the Pacific. They debated fervently, each championing their respective counties and fishing grounds. And so, a challenge was born, a challenge that would ignite the passion of anglers far and wide.
What began as a mano y mano showdown quickly morphed into a county-versus-county tournament, fueled by the competitive spirit and the desire to claim the title of bat ray fishing supremacy. As more anglers joined the fray, the Saturday Night Bat Fight took on a life of its own, transcending its humble origins to become a legendary event in the fishing community.

In the early years, there were no grand logos or elaborate shirts to mark the occasion. Instead, anglers arrived armed with nothing but their big gear and a determination to tackle the mighty bat rays that roamed the coastal waters. It was raw, it was rugged, but above all, it was about the thrill of the chase and the pursuit of bragging rights.

Each year brought new challenges and triumphs. From the inaugural competition where Donfish and Latimeria set the stage with their epic showdown, to the emergence of Team San Diego, Team LA, and Team OC as perennial contenders, the Saturday Night Bat Fight evolved into a spectacle unlike any other.

Through the years, tales of monstrous catches and narrow victories filled the airwaves, shared among anglers and enthusiasts alike. From the iconic spray-painted chair seat logo to the debut of the coveted Pocketed T-shirts, each iteration of the tournament left its mark on the fishing community.

Memories were made, friendships forged, and legends born under the starry skies of Saturday nights. From the heart-stopping moments of last-minute victories to the bittersweet defeats by mere inches, the Saturday Night Bat Fight became more than just a competition; it was a celebration of the indomitable spirit of the angler.
As the years rolled on, the Saturday Night Bat Fight endured, weathering the ebbs and flows of time and tide. From the giants of yesteryears to the dwindling numbers of recent battles, the essence of the tournament remained unchanged—a testament to the unwavering passion and camaraderie of the fishing community.
And so, as the sun sets on another Saturday night, and anglers gather once more to cast their lines into the unknown, the spirit of the Saturday Night Bat Fight lives on—a beacon of hope, adventure, and the enduring thrill of the catch.

Saturday Night Bat Fight I.  February 9th, 2008
Latimeria's  52"  (SD)

Saturday Night Bat Fight II.  April 11th, 2009
Donfish 49"  (LA)

Saturday Night Bat Fight III  March 13th, 2010
The OC bastages (& Dagodfaja) 49"  (OC)

Saturday Night Bat Fight IV.  March 5th, 2011
Latimeria 51.5"  (SD)

Saturday Night Bat Fight V. March 10th, 2012
Pierfisher  49.5"  (SD)

Saturday Night Bat Fight VI. March 9th, 2013
Jaws197  56.5"  (SD)

Saturday Night Bat Fight VII. March 15th, 2014
JWells  55.5"  (SD)

Saturday Night Bat Fight VIII. March 7th, 2015
JWells Bro  54"  (SD)

Saturday Night Bat Fight IX. March 12th, 2016
Sasquatch  50.25"  (SD)

Saturday Night Bat Fight X. March 11th, 2017
Jim Murtagh  50.5"  (LA)

Saturday Night Bat Fight XI. March 31st, 2018
Pinoyfisher  49"  (SD)

Saturday Night Bat Fight XIIn March 09th, 2019
Matt Pierce  20.5"  ( OC)

Saturday Night Bat Fight XIII. March 07th, 2020
Jerry Luce  30"  (SD)

Saturday Night Bat Fight XIV. April 10, 2021
Sasquatch  49"  (SD)

Saturday Night Bat Fight XV. March 12, 2022
Bat Fight Ben  34"  (OC)

Saturday Night Bat Fight XVI. April 15, 2023
Ethansauce  35"  (VC)

Saturday Night Bat Fight XVII. April 27, 2024
Abraham      32"  (VC)

Saturday Night Bat Fight XVIII. March 8, 2025
Jerry        45.5" (SD)
You can't catch them from your computer chair.


Batson Rod Winner 2017
      2018 SNBF Champ
          Forty Six (46)


Woohoo More! 2013 Baby :o
Coming armed for bear as usual!
It's all Tom and Don's fault! They "hooked" me on mud marlins and sharks!

SNBF VI  Winner