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Smoked Turkeys

Started by Latimeria, November 29, 2024, 01:22:48 PM

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This year I decided to smoke the turkeys for Thanksgiving.  Wasn't sure how well they would turn out since I've only smoked Meat and fish in this particular smoker.

I brined the turkeys for 24 hours.  Pulled and prepped them at 6am.

Thermometers in place and a dose of heavy applewood.

Took 7-8 hours before it was done.

I pulled it the moment it hit 165 degrees.  Perfect.

Well, almost all of it was eaten.  It came out really good but was a pain to tend to the fire box.  My old pit is not a turn it on and forget it type of smoker.

Anyone do any cooking?
You can't catch them from your computer chair.


The Stick Burners are a constant chore but that's how the Real Pro's do it  ;D  8)


Beautiful. Some hard work and I can only imagine how good it was. Never had smoked turkey before.


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