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Still Searching for Lightning in a Puddle (2/4)

Started by Latimeria, February 05, 2025, 07:17:40 AM

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Had my Dr appointment to go over my MGI results.  Seems I have Carpel Tunnel to go with my Tennis Elbow, hurt shoulder and bulging disc.  I was hoping to get another shoulder injection, but she said no and concentrated on my wrist.  This is infuriating...

I drove by the lakes on the way home from work and saw barely anyone there.  It was cloudy and cold, so what the hell.... Try for Lightning again.

I get home, change and throw the gear in the truck.  I get down to the lakes and now it's sunny and warm.  To make matters worse, they had 2 lakes mostly closed off due to construction, so everyone was squeezed into my favorite little fishing spots.  I had no bandwidth for fishing with others, so I tried something totally new.

No "truck Cab" fishing here, but it was better than the crowds.  I called Dave to catch up a bit and had almost no confidence in this puddle since it was last stocked over 3 weeks ago and has only been stocked twice.

Just then I see my strike indicator take a nosedive before shooting upwards!  I drop the phone and grab the rod to feel a trout on the line.  I saw a big boil!  Then I saw what made the boil...  A cormorant swam under chasing my trout and knocked it off the line.  It never got it fully, but just enough to cut my line.  Grrrr

I re-tie and cast again.  Only an hour left before they kick me out so I cast to where I think I had the last bite.

Then my other rod gets bit!  Problem was when I grabbed the rod, I felt a trout, but it only had a part of the worm and not the hook.  Then a turtle pops up in front of me and I was trying to convince myself it was the turtle, but I knew better. (This picture was the better one when it tried to grab my trout off the stringer over the dot in the water I took prior to catching the trout)

I look and my long rod goes off.  This time I wait for line to scream out before grabbing it.  I almost felt like I was jinxing myself by grabbing the rod too early.  This time I had him.

Totally big feisty fight with a lot of jumping.  Best part was no one around to try to squeeze in!

Pretty standard model for myself.  Pretty nice, but not the chunk I was looking for.

My confidence gets a major boost and now I hope I strike gold in the last 45 minutes, but nothing.

Oh well, I looked up the price of trout on the market and it's $10.99 a pound across the board, so all I need to do is catch one trout per trip and it actually pays me back!

Anyway, I'm giving it a break today to get some of my chores done at home but might sneak out tomorrow depending on the stocking schedule.

Forgot to mention that this is the fifth trout in 2 years that I caught which had a belly full of wacky worm bits in its belly.  Not sure what the deal is with this.

Thanks for reading another boring trout post.
You can't catch them from your computer chair.


Insert comment here when I get home from the bar


Has anyone told you that you were a funny guy? Lol
You can't catch them from your computer chair.


No, they usually go with handsome and charming.


You can't catch them from your computer chair.



Gonna be using straight senko chunks from now on because spoons sure as hell aren't doing me much better. Another nice one.